Individual trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Minimum: Mac IIci or better, 8MB RAM, 13" (640x480) color monitor (256 colors), System 7
Preferred: Mac IIci or better, 8MB RAM, 13" (640x480) color monitor (256 colors), System 7
QuickTime 1.62, Sound Manager 3.0
Ideal: Quadra 700 or better, 12MB RAM, 13" (640x480) color monitor (256 colors),
System 7.1, QuickTime 1.62, Sound Manager 3.0
Each folder has a ReadMe file describing the contents and instructions to launch the applications. Many contain a "Specs" file that describes key features & specification of the product.
While the files are running you can use -Q to Quit or -. (period) to stop.
Also, keep in mind that several presentations include pauses. If a presentation stops, try clicking in the center of the screen, or pressing Return to continue the presentation.
Highlights (see named folder for details)
Action! 2.5 Windows Promo- A multimedia presentation describing the capabilities and features of Action! 2.5 for Windows.
Action! 1.0 (SD)- A Save-disabled version of Action for you to use.
Action! Player- Contains the latest Action! Player for Macintosh.
Examples- Contains a sample presentation for you to run or edit.
Authorware Promo- A multimedia presentation on Authorware Professional's background, features and key design considerations.
Working Model-A Working model of Authorware 2.0. This version will only save files of 50 icons or less. Includes example files.
Examples- Contains sample files for you to run or edit.
Director 4.0 (SD)- A Save-disabled version of Director for you to use.
Sample Movies- Contains interactive introductions to Director 4.0 & Lingo.
Quick Tour- Step by step instructios to create a multimedia kiosk production using Director 4.0. (See Microsoft Word file inside the folder for details.)
Intro Demo- Special inteactive presentations prepared by Macromedia to celebrate the launch of Director 4.0.
Examples- Examples of the wide variety of application that can be created with Director, including an interactive resumÄ, an arcade-type game, an action-adventure game, cartoons, and information kiosks.
The Macromodel folder includes a working model of MacroModel 1.5 and sample files. The working model is fully functional, but "Save" is disabled. See the "Demo Kit ─" folder for step-by-step instructions.
SoundEdit 16
SoundEdit 16 (SD)- A Save-disabled version of SoundEdit 16 for you to use.
Examples- Includes step-by-step instructions for adding sound effects to a QuickTime¬ movie (see the "Demo Script" file). Also includes sample QuickTime movies with sound effects, sample sounds, ClipMedia¬, and a demo of the sound effects available from HiRez Audio.